Our Favorite Informative Websites

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."  Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Hang Ten! Improve Your Surfing

The internet offers answers to virtually every question imaginable, but finding a reliable source of correct and current information is often difficult and frustrating. Hopefully the lists below will make it a bit easier for you to find the gardening or nature related information you are looking for. Happy surfing!

Nature Related Websites

Native Plant Websites

Mushroom Websites

  • Mushroom Observer - A great site to help with fungi identification
  • Learn Your Land  - MORE THAN EXCELLENT, WITH OVER 100 EXCEPTIONALLY WELL DONE AD-FREE VIDEOS! If you are interested in plant and mushroom identification, wild food harvesting, nutritional and medicinal components of wild foods, and the benefits of a nature/human connection, look no further. 

Gardening Websites

Getting Children Outside


The best way to raise children who care about nature is to give them lots of time to play in nature. Below you'll find links to some excellent websites on the subject.

  • Stop Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD).org - Excellent Website!  Developed by a coalition of retired teachers whose mission it is to end Nature-Deficit Disorder (NDD). Their goal is to encourage people of all ages to engage with the beauty of nature as often as possible. Lot of ideas on how to get kids out in nature, and how to integrate education and nature once you get them there.
  • National Wildlife Federation - Lots of Great Resources! For decades the National Wildlife Federation has worked to connect children and youth with nature, inspiring children through Ranger Rick® magazine, working with educators to get kids learning outdoors, and helping parents find new ways to engage their children outside. 

Gardening With Children

Thanks to the Girl Scout Troop from California who inspired me to add this 'Gardening With Children' section and other links above to this page.

"Plant a garden with your child and watch their test scores, behavior,

and language skills bloom."  Therapy Works


Natural Garden Pest Control

   Thanks to Grant C. from Six Brothers Pest Control for contacting us with a link to this webpage. We rarely share links to commercial websites, but with the lack of popups and ads, and the high quality of the natural pest control info on this page, we made an exception.

  • Tackling Garden Pests Naturally  Highly Recommended! If you want to learn how to identify the insects that are eating your plants, and how control them naturally, this webpage is for you!

Composting Websites

Thanks to Dakota for sending me a page of gardening resource links.

I included a few of her links in the above sections, and the first link below

in our new Dakota-inspired 'Composting' section.

  • Composting Basics - Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
  • Composting for Kids This Excellent Website was sent to me by Barry E. who volunteers at local schools, somewhere in the UK, to help children learn about composting and gardening. Thanks Barry!
  • A Homeowner's Guide to Composting - A Composting 101 guide including over thirty links to composting website on topics such as 'How Composting Works', the 'Benefits of Composting', 'What and What Not to use for Composting', how to 'Build and Maintain a Compost Pile', and more! Shared with us by Annie P. for her son Sean who recently joined his local 4H program. 

Note: If you know of a website that you think is worth listing here,

please Contact Us. We would love to share it on our website.



We usually will not share links to websites with commercial advertising.